Really helps to keep the helmet fresh, smells amazing and perfect size to keep inside the helmet.
Recieved the basic rain coat during their sale. I was eyeing the Firefly one but sadly it was not in stock. Coming to the craftsmanship, this item is robust. Very good quality and top notch stitching. Though it is called basic but 100 times better than the "liners" we get with sub 8-10K riding jackets in terms of quality. While I do find some of their items at a premium price point. I understand that the cost justifies the material used and the work done on them. But sale is a sale and I'll always look forward to discounts lol.
After researching quite about helmet fresheners, I settled for the Helmy combo deal from Tiivra and I must say I am greatly surprised at the performance of the little avatar. The fragrances offered by Helmy are really intriguing and effective too. It has been more than 2 weeks now that I have installed one and every day I wear the helmet, it stays fresh and smells charming. So far it has proven itself to be more than effective. It is a must have for every rider who cares about their shield.